Today's guest is sharing a great resource with all Soar Higher Listeners! Check out Jeff Bartsch's free strategic storytelling checklist here: https://www.storygreenlight.com/soarhigher/
Jeff Bartsch learned to play the piano at age 5. He learned Mozart and Bach, and practiced until he could hit every note. But it wasn’t until he got older that Jeff realized the notes weren’t as important as the story they told.
Welcome back! This week, we are joined by Story Greenlight’s Jeff Bartsch, a consultant, creator, and storyteller with experience in Hollywood. Jeff joins us to share the power of strategic storytelling, and to encourage you to always (always!) tell your story to create a living brand. If you have ever felt that you lacked the kind of story that would elevate your brand, Jeff says differently; a story does not need to be epic, but it does need to be effective. In this show, we talk about how to make that happen:
- If you understand why your story matters, then telling it gets a whole lot easier. Why do you do what you do?
- Jason breaks down a story from his late Uncle Jim, considered by the family to be a master storyteller. If you’re ever wondered why some storytellers are so captivating, Jeff reveals the secrets to an effective story.
- What is the difference between a great story and forgettable content? We help make the the distinction.
Show Links/ Social Links
- LinkedIn: Jason Ballard - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-ballard-795a0587/
- LinkedIn: Soar Higher - https://www.linkedin.com/company/soar-higher-business-solutions/
- Soar Higher Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/soarhigherjasonballard
- Soar Higher Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCazXTUWfddwR9blL-3KUG_A
- Website: www.soarhighercoaching.com
Guest Links
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