According to Tim Yurek, finance is like golf: buying better, more expensive tools may help, but not if you don’t know how to use them.
Welcome back! This week, Coach Jason is joined by Tim Yurek, Founder and CEO of Tier 1 Capital. According to Tim, two thirds of business owners are not in control of their cashflow and, therefore, not in control of their company. On this podcast, we want to arm you with the tools to soar to your highest potential and with a lot of help from Tim, we are expanding your financial toolkit:
- Should I replace one type of debt with another? Tim gives counsel for those working through multiple repayments.
- It’s not what you buy, it’s what you pay for it. Tim tells us that where the money comes from can be even more important than how much you spend.
- Whoever controls your cashflow controls your life. If you do not control the repayment process on your debts, you cannot freely operate.
Show Links/ Social Links
- LinkedIn: Jason Ballard - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-ballard-795a0587/
- LinkedIn: Soar Higher - https://www.linkedin.com/company/soar-higher-business-solutions/
- Soar Higher Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/soarhigherjasonballard
- Soar Higher Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCazXTUWfddwR9blL-3KUG_A
- Website: www.soarhighercoaching.com
Guest Links
- Website: https://tier1capital.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-yurek/
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